
10 Things You Should Never Do While Wearing Your Engagement Ring

1- Don’t Wear Your Ring to the GYM

Engaging in Physical activities such as sports or heavy lifting can subject your ring to unnecessary wear and tear. These activities increase the risk of bending prongs, loosening stones, or even breaking the band. Always remove your ring before engaging in any strenuous physical activity.

2- Avoid Wearing your Ring in Water

Whether you’re swimming in a pool or relaxing in hot tub, water can pose a risk to your engagement ring. Chlorine can damage the metal settings, and cold water can cause your fingers to shrink, increasing the risk of losing your ring. Make it a habit to remove your ring before any water based activities.

3-Never Apply Skin Care, Lotion, Or Makeup While Wearing Your Ring

Lotions, creams, and cosmetics can leave a residue on your ring, dulling its shine and potentially damaging softer gemstones. Before applying any beauty products, remove your ring to keep it clean and free from buildup.

4-Don’t Sleep With Your Ring On

Wearing your ring while you sleep can cause the band to bend or prongs to loosen, especially if you are a restless sleeper. Additionally, it can snag or sheets or hair. To keep your ring in optimal condition, remove it before bedtime.

5-Avoid Handling Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals found in cleaning products., perfumes, and hair sprays can discolor and corrode the metal of your ring. Before using any products that contains strong chemicals remove your ring to prevent accidental exposure.

6- Do Not Wear Your Ring At The Beach

Wearing your engagement ring at the beach is risky due to the combination of sand, water and sunscreen. Sand can scratch the metal and stones, while cold water can cause your fingers to shrink, increasing the risk of the ring slipping off. Additionally sunscreen can leave a residue on your ring, dulling its shine. Always remove your ring before heading to the beach.

7- Avoid Wearing Your Ring While Doing Dishes

Washing dishes can expose your engagement ring to harsh detergents and hot water, which can damage both the metal and stone. There is also a risk of the ring slipping off and getting lost down the drain. Remove your ring before doing any dishwashing to prevent damage or loss.

8- Do Not Wear your Ring While Cooking

When working with raw meats for greasy foods, cooking can introduce bacteria and oils into the crevices of your ring. This can cause buildup and diminish its sparkle. Remove your ring before preparing food to keep it clean and sanitary.

9- Avoid Yard work While Wearing Your Ring

You should avoid wearing your engagement ring during yard work because it can expose the ring to potential damage from dirt, and gardening tools. The rough materials and heavy equipment used during yard work can cause scratches, dents, or even bend the metal of the ring. Soil and debris can also become trapped in the setting, making it difficult to clean. Additionally, vigorous activities such as digging, raking, or lifting heavy objects increased the risk of bending prongs or knocking stones loose.

10- Do Not Apply Hand Sanitizer While Wearing Your Ring

Hand sanitizer contains alcohol and other chemicals that can dull the finish of your ring. We recommend removing your ring before applying hand sanitizer and waiting until your hands are dry before putting it back on. If you are in public place or on the go and don’t want to risk removing your ring. Carefully apply the hand sanitizer around your ring.


Your Jeweler, Arvik and Zeki

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